Internet Partners: Design and Hosting


1. A R T - E M P O R I U M: Antique Maps and Prints
Dealers in antique maps and reproductions, prints and rare books. Subjects include world, country and coastal maps architecture, animals, birds, botanical, natural history, classical, sport and topographical images.

2. Fine Art Prints
Art Angel is an online gallery of selected artists selling original artwork and fine art prints.

3. Notebooks Galore - Find Cheap & Used Laptops Online
You can trust my 15 years Laptop trading honesty to bring you the best, bargain priced, used & new notebooks and laptops. They come with free Microsoft Word and Excel compatible software,12 months warranty and 100%, 30days risk free money back satisfactio...

4. Website Design, Development & CMS in Sydney & Melbourne
ARES Interactive are Sydney and Melbourne's leading web design and development provider. We offer complete solutions for your company, from multinationals to small business. We also specialise in multimedia, marketing, 3D modelling, e-learning and staff t...

*literally edible?

We frequently get asked if we make media that you can eat. We often then get asked why we are "edible" media, if you can't actually eat any of it. There are a few reasons, some of which are not made-up: we thought our produce was good enough to eat / we liked the bouncy nature and the look of the word / it seemed like a good idea at the time

all new website

This is our new website, our old one was 6 years old, and a cause of some embarrassment, but without wanting to brag, we've been too busy to give it a makeover. (Not that we're not busy now mind, its just, well have a look and you'll understand why we wanted an update!) This site is what you might call a Beta release - not everything is finished, and there will be some bugs. We expect it to be fully functional around the middle of 2008.

designer diet

What's this funny box stuck at the bottom of the page? Well its purpose is to make this page friendly to search engines, and to help to maintain Edible Media's position high in the rankings. At the beginning of 2008 we were in the top 10 sites in australia on the busiest search sites.

When we re-designed the website we made a conscious decision to not try so hard to get business from web searches. Most of our business comes from word of mouth or referrals. We see this new site as being a portfolio for those prospective clients, and as a resource for existing clients. However we still use those web promotion skills to boost the ratings of our client's websites.

So this box lists some of the key services that we provide, plus our clients sites.






design by ediblemedia