
what's on the menu

We offer...

Creative Commercial Photography
Photographic retouching
Logo and corporate identity design
Brochure and flyer printing
Business cards
Tourism brochure management and production
Fine Art and giclee printing (via out sister site - the printworkshop)
We also offer full website design and hosting services to our clients.

But talk is cheap! For the proof of the pudding, see our portfolio

a cut above

Our guiding principles are quality output and attention to detail. This translates to an infrastructure and workflow that ensures accuracy and consistency. For example...

We are one of the few design companies in the area that have fully calibrated monitors helping to ensure reliable colour accuracy in our printed media. More important is our understanding of the principles of colour management, vectors, pixels, printing and digital media distribution.

We also keep all our clients data, so far over 2 terabytes of it (2000 gigabytes). We keep our original photographs in layered form - sometimes each A4 image can be over 600mb in size, so that if we want to alter it at a later date we can. Other design houses will archive or flatten and compress images that have been used. We don't.

We do regular - at least weekly - off-site backups of all our clients data (with 5+ terabytes of storage in total). What's more we don't archive this data, which means if we want something we can get to it quickly - without having to go through backups to find something and then restoring it.

We also supply online facilities to our clients - for instance creating a space on our server so that clients can store frequently asked for media.

Anyone with a digital camera can take photographs, cant they?
Having worked both behind the camera and behind the desktop we feel we can say with confidence that quality photography is the key to design success. This means professional photography - shot in RAW format, free from camera shake, and underexposure using professional lenses. It means attention to detail both technically and creatively.

design by ediblemedia